An Unbiased Look at the 2020 Election

An Unbiased Look at the 2020 Election

2020 vision; An apolitical viewpoint of the election now that the dust has cleared

It is possible to make an unbiased assessment of the last 3 months concerning the election? Seems virtually no other media organization is even attempting to cover the 2020 election from a totally apolitical unbiased viewpoint.

Sometimes we need to step back and look at the big picture.

Moving forward by looking at the big picture unbiased news political party of

As stated previously News Without Bias strongly supports only one bias; An integrity bias. Integrity, and truth, not only involves behavior toward others but equally, even more importantly, integrity involves one’s own mindset.

The birthplace of bias

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One’s mind is fully capable of self-deception or bending the truth. Virtually everyone practices self-deception in one form or another. Rationalization can be used for a positive purpose or the opposite. This phenomenon is completely unrelated to social, economic status, or level of education.

Pre world war ll Germany was among the most educated and cultured nations in the world in virtually every discipline admired by western civilization. The population was highly educated and outstanding in sports, arts, communications, sciences, engineering, and much more.

Yet these highly educated, cultured, thinking intelligent people succumbed to an ideology that ultimately led to the greatest human devised catastrophe in history. Besides the 6 million Jews that were systematically exterminated, the overall worldwide death toll as a result of the Nazi regime was over 60 Million. All because of the human flaw, known as self-deception. For more information on this fascinating subject read “Living a Lie: We Deceive Ourselves to Better Deceive Others” from Scientific America

Are humans capable of governing themselves?

self governing unbiased news without bias

Sorry to offer a simplistic answer to a question that has probably created its own industry. The number of studies, books, and university courses dedicated to this subject is mindboggling. The real, unbiased non-political answer is yes given one distinction regarding the description of what it means to be a leader. The governing people need to be just that, leaders, concerned only with leading. They need to be unbiased, non-political, and above all, morally incorruptible. They need to be unable to be bribed or intimidated to do anything unethical. They need to be exceptionally humble and only concerned about the people they serve. The problem is most people with these types of characteristics are not interested in living in the spotlight.

Unfortunately, the media has become the only method to communicate and get a message across to the public. Social-climbing and media attention tends to repel the kind-natured honest, humble, and righteous people from seeking leadership positions. At the same time, the media have no interest to promote these types as they are perceived by the public as boring.

The shock and awe celebrity types make for much higher viewership in an industry fiercely competing for attention. Read the entire article from The Forward Wing Party