Imagine creating energy from air using artificial leaves

Imagine creating energy from air using artificial leaves

The US, the Department of Energy recently committed funding of $100m to study the possibility to develop a system that simulates photosynthesis, using enzymes that split water and create hydrogen.

Prof Erwin Reisner unbiased news without bias
Prof Erwin Reisner

Prof Erwin Reisner is an energy and sustainability professor at Cambridge University. He heads a team working on the feasibility to make the storage and use of this energy supply more applicable.

Artificial leaf contains a panel which reacts with sunlight, carbon dioxide and water to make fuel

Since hydrogen as gas can be problematic to store, he and his team developed a device that can convert the sunlight, carbon dioxide, and water into oxygen and formic acid. This has the capacity to store the energy in a higher concentration.

In The United States, The Center for Hybrid Approaches in Solar Energy to Liquid Fuels (Chase) and the Liquid Sunlight Alliance (Lisa) are recipients of the US Department of Energy Funds. Read more at about this story at News Without Politics

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